California Abortion Bill Could Still Effectively Legalize Some SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - U.S. States seeking to enforce abortion bans will not be able to obtain medical or communications records of patients, doctors or others involved in helping women. WHO IS OPPOSEDSome environmental justice groups, the city and county where UC Santa Cruz is located, a town adjacent to UC Santa Barbara and three state Democrats who cast the only dissenting votes against the bill. Eleni Kounalakis and a number of professional medical groups and patient advocacy groups. Newsom signed this and other climate bills on Sept. 16. AB 351, authored by Assemblymember Cristina Garcia, a Democrat from Downey, establishes licensing and regulation processes for human composting. The bill would also extend its regulations to private California prisons that house federal inmates or immigration detainees. The bill would offset some of these costs by removing a cap on workers contributions to the program, which currently shields earnings above $145,600. Status of Current Legislation Legislative Update The following is a list of bills POST is monitoring from the 2021-22 Legislative Session. Gavin Newsom signed a package of 12 bills Tuesday, establishing some of the strongest abortion protections in the nation a direct reaction to the U.S. Supreme Courts decision to overturn federal abortion guarantees earlier this year. Consideration of Governor's veto pending. After eight months, Californias legislative session came to a close on Sept. 1 with a final flurry of frantic activity. Some 10,000 California nursing home residents died during the pandemic. The legislation was vigorously opposed by the oil and gas industry, refiners and drilling specialists. 2022 State Legislative Sessions: Abortion Bans and Restrictions on Stacked on top of those protections are enhanced safeguards for medical records. While the state has finally started to backfill the critical demand for more housing and mental health services, lawmakers believe more is necessary to ensure that the states neediest population now languishing on the streets gets the help they need. "An alarming number of states continue to. AB 257 creates a state-run council to set labor standards across the fast food sector, including on wages, safety and other workplace conditions. And under current law, lower-earning workers contribute a greater share of their paychecks to the program than higher earners because of the cap on taxing incomes above $145,600. Bill Text - SB-245 Health care coverage: abortion services - California The governor publicly said in 2019 that any woman in the country is welcome to travel to California for an abortion. Nearly 3 million Californians live within 3,200 feet of an active or idle oil or gas well, mostly in Kern and Los Angeles counties. The governor threw his support behind the bill by including it in his package of legislation to combat climate change, joining health groups and environmental organizations representing the fenceline communities where many oil and gas facilities are sited. California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a package of new laws in late September that significantly affect health care and access to abortive care in the Golden State. Civil liberties groups, immigration advocates and a constellation of criminal justice reform groups, including the California Public Defenders Association. A newspaper article suggesting a proposed California reproductive health bill would legalize the maternal killing of newborn babies, a claim that quickly spread on social media where users. The bill by Democratic Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer of Los Angeles would require judges to balance the value of the evidence with the undue prejudice and racial bias possible when that evidence is presented to a jury. 1:08. : This bill intends to enact legislation relating to the reproductive privacy of out-of-state residents.. Trade groups for businesses and tech companies, including California Chamber of Commerce, and TechNet, which counts among its members Google, Airbnb, Meta (formerly known as Facebook), Snap, and other major tech companies. California Legislature | 2021-2022 | Regular Session | Adjourned Sine AB 2147, The Freedom to Walk Act, would allow law enforcement officers to stop a pedestrian for jaywalking only when a reasonably careful person would realize there is an immediate danger of a collision. The Legislature passed, but Newsom vetoed, a similar bill last year that would have repealed the states jaywalking laws and prohibited fines until Jan. 1, 2029. For a select few measures, with urgency clauses that allow them to take effect immediately upon the governors signature, the votes stretched into the wee hours the next day. Californias fight against climate change requires a massive shift away from fossil fuels. Investor-owned utilities represented by the California Water Association, such as California Water Service, also support it; the largest already offer rate assistance programs of their own. This measure increases oversight over the fund, requiring annual reports be made to the Legislature, and directs the state Health and Human Services Agency to create a website outlining abortion services available in the state. Starting in 2025, workers who earn less than about $57,000 a year would be paid 90% of their regular wages, an increase from the current 70%. It would take effect in 2027. It is opposed by the Right to Life League, which also opposed AB 2223 and AB 2091. Want to submit a guest commentary or reaction to an article we wrote? These bills would unlock a glut of empty stores, offices and parking lots for as many as 1.6 million housing units market conditions permitting without contributing to urban sprawl. California has historically been an abortion friendly state. California's Plan: Post-Birth Abortion. But on Sept. 29, the secretary of state cleared for circulation an industry-backed referendum to seek to overturn the law on the 2024 ballot. Since early in the pandemic, California has dealt with its share of doctors who have made false claims about the virus. SB 731 would, as of July 1, expand criminal record relief for all felonies, not just jailable felonies, if an individual is no longer serving a probationary sentence, not currently involved in another case, and two years have elapsed. Senate Bill 846 facilitates the actions necessary to keep the option of (Diablo Canyon) as a statewide reliability asset beyond the current 2024-2025 retirement dates of the plants two units.. Photo by Rahul Lal, CalMatters After eight months, California's legislative session came to a close on Sept. 1 with a final flurry of frantic activity. Newsom signed this and other climate bills on Sept. 16. The Service Employees International Union and its Fight for $15 campaign for low-wage workers, the California Labor Federation and other unions backed the bill. the california legislature currently has 18 bills dedicated to abortion, abortion providers, access to abortion, funding of abortion, licensing of abortion providers, discipline of abortion providers, abortion scholarships, training programs for abortions, abortion research, abortion fairness, paid time off for abortion, telehealth for abortion, Disinformation can have serious consequences. Who in California is more helpless than an unborn baby? SB 107 would protect from prosecution patients who travel to California for what supporters call gender-affirming care and doctors who provide that care. They also say the plants extension could delay much-needed investments in renewable energy. The bill also includes stronger protections for ratepayers, and the loan would be allocated in increments. There are no groups in opposition on file. Californians will vote in November on a measure to enshrine the so-called "right" to abort an unborn baby for any reason up to birth in their state constitution. My colleagues and I saw the imminent danger headed for national abortion access more than a year ago and have spent every day since working to not only protect reproductive rights, but expand them, Atkins said. AB 2091 also seeks to outmaneuver laws in places such as Texas, where private citizens may sue abortion providers. The following is a brief list of the introduced abortion bills with a short explanation of their intent. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 27, 2022: AB 1375: Reduces doctor oversight and standardized procedures for abortions. ), AB 2134: Eliminate Abortion Costs: This bill will enact the California Abortion and Reproductive Equity Act to make sure cost is not a barrier to someone getting an abortion. Here are four themes to watch in the new legislative session: Cash rules. Theres no official opposition to the bill, though the original version from Jones-Sawyer only called for a judge to instruct the jury to treat artistic expressions with caution and close scrutiny. A revised version from the Senate calls for an entirely separate hearing, away from the jury. Voters will decide in November whether to add a state constitutional amendment protecting the right to obtain an abortion. On September 27, 2022, Governor Newsom signed what amounts to a perinatal infanticide bill, AB 2223 (along with twelve other pro-abortion bills). California Future of Abortion Council Statement on Abortion Bill As of June 2, 2022, there are no initiatives outstanding with the attorney general. California Attorney General Rob Bonta (D) announced Assembly Bill 1594 (AB 1594) Friday and Gov. California Future of Abortion Council Statement on Abortion Bill These votes took place as campaigns ramp up for 100 of the 120 seats in the Legislature. It was co-introduced by a bipartisan group of Assemblymembers: Democrats Buffy Wicks from Oakland and Cottie Petrie-Norris from Costa Mesa and Republican Jordan Cunningham from San Luis Obispo. of her total campaign contributions. Todays action gives hardworking fast-food workers a stronger voice and seat at the table to set fair wages and critical health and safety standards across the industry. In poll after poll, voters say they are fed up. You can find our submission guidelines here. They say the bill is overly broad, and that setting privacy regulations state-by-state could create confusion for businesses. Newsom signed the bill into law Sept. 18. It gives agricultural employers two options for union drives: They could select a labor peace process in which they pledge to remain neutral during a union election, during which farmworkers could choose to receive and submit ballots by mail from the Agricultural Labor Relations Board; or if growers do not agree to neutrality, workers could unionize via a card check process in which growers must recognize the union if a majority of workers sign cards expressing interest. Gavin Newsom Sept. 27, signed additional bills into law to further protect people from legal retaliation and prohibit law enforcement and corporations from cooperating with out-of-state entities regarding . A swath of business and restaurant groups representing individual franchise owners and corporate chains, including a number of minority chambers of commerce, opposed it. By clicking subscribe, you agree to the Terms. AB2438. California Dems To Introduce Bill Enshrining Abortion, Contraception They view the bill as vital to protecting much-needed housing development from environmental lawsuits. It would be a first-in-the-nation law requiring broad privacy protections online for children under 18, and would represent yet another step California has taken to lead privacy regulation. More immediately, without this bill the current amount of benefits is set to expire and would return to 55% of a workers wages in January. The COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and the virus has killed more than 94,000 people in California. A few key pieces of reproductive health legislation have also moved recently, including those from the California Legislative Women's Caucus 13-bill package. This bill plans to change who is authorized to perform an abortion and how old the unborn baby has to be before an abortion can be performed. California law allows a woman to have an abortion until the point that a physician determines "there is a reasonable likelihood of the fetus' sustained survival outside the uterus without the. Notable changes since the last update include: Oklahoma's governor signed into law a total ban on abortion starting at fertilization with a "bounty hunter" enforcement mechanism that went into effect immediately . This is a big moment as we begin to take responsibility, he said at a press conference in San Francisco. The council would consist of fast food workers, their advocates, restaurant owners, fast food corporations and the states labor and business departments. The California bills passed in the final days of the legislative session, which ended Wednesday night. 2022 Midterm California Election Results: Who won governor race, propositions Stream live Bay Area and California elections in the media player below. The bill would attach a fee to cell phone lines.That fee has been lowered significantly in negotiations with the telecommunications industry, which in turn has dropped its opposition. California policymakers who make up the "Future of Abortion Council" just dropped a bombshell. It protects a woman or pregnant person who chooses to end a pregnancy from prosecution, even if the abortion is self-induced or happens outside of the medical system. Published: Oct 02, 2022 SACRAMENTO - Governor Gavin Newsom just wrapped up the 2022 legislative session, signing 997 bills into law. Caballero and Skinners measure also required the state to create an abortion information website detailing state laws and resources, which Newsom launched two weeks ahead of the bills signing. California-Abortion State Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, speaks in support of proposed amendment to the state constitution that would protect the right to an abortion and contraceptives during a hearing on the measure in Sacramento, Calif., Tuesday, June 14, 2022. CalMatters is a window on events, trends and news about California that simply isn't found elsewhere. The governors Twitter account said the bill makes California the 1st state to ensure creative content like lyrics & music videos cant be used against artists in court without judicial review.. The ballot measure was approved . Accelerating greenhouse gas cuts is essential to meeting the states goal of carbon neutrality by 2045. This change requires 90% by 2035 and 95% by 2040. The group contends that it has been gutted and now serves as a lifeline to problematic nursing home owners. Pretty much everyone but faculty. California Lawmakers Pass Slate of Bills Protecting Abortion Access This bill provides abortion supporting organizations direct logistical and practical support for abortion patients from anywhere in the country. Gavin Newsom signed a controversial, first-in-the-nation gun control law patterned after a Texas anti-abortion law and urged other states to follow suit. California Future of Abortion Council 2022 Bill Package California Gov. His main sticking point: that the bill allows workers to request union ballots before growers are notified there will be an election. Newsom signed this and other climate bills on Sept. 16. Another bill protects a woman from receiving an out-of-state subpoena, and one prohibits an investigation into the death of an unborn child after 20 weeks of gestation, according to San Diego 10 News. Business groups, including the Western Growers Association, said the proposal opens the door for unions to request ballots for workers, influence their votes and force unionization. sector since she was elected to the legislature. AB 2320: Abortion Grants Targeting the Poor: This bill would create a pilot program in five counties to provide money to abortion clinics to increase the services provided to marginalized patients., AB 2586: Abortion Disparity Study Group: This bill would create a working group to examine the root causes of reproductive health and sexual health disparities in the state and make recommendations on how to decrease reproductive health and sexual health disparities that cover specified topics, including barriers to abortion access and contraception.. On several bills, the governor not only signaled his support, but lobbied lawmakers to approve them. You could see a lot of emotion and pride.. California's Obsession With Abortion - California Globe The bills prevent states from obtaining records of patients or doctors who performed an abortion in California and allows for nurse practitioners and midwives to conduct first trimester abortions without a doctor present, Reuters reported. The bills supporters list is largely populated by civil rights groups and city governments. Already, providers like Planned Parenthood and ACCESS Reproductive Justice California have reported influxes of out-of-state patients. Californians have been struggling to pay their water bills statewide, and it reached a boiling point during the pandemic. (a) The person performing the abortion is not a health care provider authorized to perform an abortion pursuant to Section 2253 of the Business and Professions Code. Instead, the groups are advocating for more market-based approaches that trade credits and capture and store carbon while still allowing continued use of fossil fuels. California Legislature Passes 13 Abortion Bills In One Day California Assembly Passes Bill on Expanded Abortions that Includes Newsom signed the bills on Sept. 27. California has long been a global leader in tackling climate change, enacting bold policies to reduce its carbon footprint. After eight months, California's legislative session came to a close this week with a final flurry of frantic . Assembly Bill 2632 from Democratic Assemblymember Chris Holden of Pasadena would overhaul how California prisons treat inmates in solitary confinement. Life League, which also opposed AB 2223 and AB 2091 extension could delay much-needed investments in renewable energy 107... On Sept. 1 with a short explanation of their intent Cristina Garcia, Democrat... That the bill is overly broad, and the loan would be allocated in increments the. 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