The distribution function F(x) has the following properties: 1. TuftsUniversity ElectricalandComputerEngineering EE194-NetworkInformationTheory Prof. MaiVu 2.2 Two variables Consider now two random variables X,Y jointly . The probability density function for the gamma distribution is f(x) = 1 (r 1)! The owner will have it built if this cost . This case is, by far, the most . 4 RANDOM VARIABLES AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS F(x)= 0 for x <0 1 16 for0 ≤ x<1 5 16 for1 ≤ x<2 11 16 for2 ≤ x<3 15 16 for3 ≤ x<4 1 for x≥ 4 1.6.4. • Expectation of the sum of a random number of ran-dom variables: If X = PN i=1 Xi, N is a random variable independent of Xi's.Xi's have common mean µ.Then E[X] = E[N]µ. F(x) is nondecreasing [i.e., F(x) F(y) if x y]. Probability Distributions 3 2 Statistics of random variables The expected or mean value of a continuous random variable Xwith PDF f X(x) is the centroid of the probability density. Find the joint pdf of X and Y (easy). Given a probability, mean, and standard deviation, the qnorm() function will return an x value from the probability distribution function. When calculating the percentile, there is usually no X that meets the exact probability you enter. I'm confused because f X and f Y are both in terms of t, so I don't know how to begin. E(Z) = E(X) + E(Y) + Cov(X,Y) = E(X) + E(Y) + 2 * * ρxy x yσσ 22 22 V(Z) = + + 2 Cov (X, Y) = + + 2 * * σXY X Y xy x yσσσρσσ The mean and variance for Z are over or under estimated, inversely with respect to the sign on the correlation coefficient, if correlation is ignored in simulation. f X, Y (x, y) = C x 2 y 3, 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < x, zero elsewhere. P(X = x) = X y P(x,y) = X y P(X = x|Y = y)P(y) In this case P(X) is often called a marginal density and the process of calculating it from the joint density P(X,Y) is known as marginalization. If the points in the joint probability distribution of X and Y that receive positive probability tend to fall along a line of positive (or negative) slope, ρ XY is near +1 (or −1). y d Prob. Weather x P (x) Clear $3000 0.61 Threatening $2800 0.17 Light rain $1975 0.11 Show-cancelling rain $0 0.11. Let Z= X=Y. Suppose X,Y are independent random variables with probability density functions (pdf) f X ( t) = f Y ( t) = 1 2 e − | t |. The tool will calculate the X that will generate a . F. Notation. If you are a statistician, this likely all makes sense to you, and you can derive this metric easily. The second of these has probability Z 1 ¡1 Z b a f(x;y)dxdy = Z b a Z 1 ¡1 f(x;y)dydx = Z b a •Z 1 ¡1 f(x;y)dy ‚ dx: We must therefore have P(a < X • b) = Z b a •Z 1 ¡1 f(x;y)dy ‚ dx for all a < b; and thus R1 ¡1 f(x;y)dy fulfills the definition of fX(x) (given in Section 1.7): it is a function of x that gives the probabilities . Chapter 2: Random Variables and Distributions 35 square of the sum of the two numbers showing, let R be the sum of the squares of the two numbers showing, etc. • Example: Suppose that the expected number of acci- For example, one joint probability is "the probability that your left and right socks are both black," whereas a . represent the value of the random variable. Random Variables, Probability Distribution Function, and Probability Density Function We are particular concerned with experiments whose outcome is a real number. The function f(x;y) is called the joint probability density function of X and Y. CDF approach fZ(z) = d dzFZ(z) 2 . If ρ XY equals +1 or −1, it can be shown that the points in the joint probability distribution that receive positive probability fall exactly along a straight . If U=X+Y, then. The notation P(x|y) means P(x) given event y has occurred, this notation is used in conditional probability. Approaches: 1. The following example finds the upper bound x value of the probability distribution function associated to the probability, or area under the curve, of 0.3 given \(\mu = 5\) and \(\sigma = 1\). For example, F(0) = .5; half the area of the standardized normal curve lies to the left of Z = 0. For small and , the region is approximately a parallelogram, 2 Let X and Y be fair coin-flips, and let Z = X⊕Y. Consider a group of N individuals, M of Conditional distributions Math 217 Probability and Statistics Prof. D. Joyce, Fall 2014 Suppose you have joint distributions X and Y and denote their joint cumulative distribution function by F(x;y) and their joint probability mass or den-sity function by f(x;y). The distribution of Z is Geometric with parameter ρ = ( 1 − θ) 3. The density curve looks like a standard normal curve, but the tails of the \(t\)-distribution are "heavier" than the tails of the normal distribution. Refer to the figure (lower left and lower right). So we would intuit (2) that the probability density of Z = X + Y should start at zero at z=0, rise to a maximum at mid-interval, z=1, and then drop symmetrically to zero at the end of the interval, z=2. - fX,Y (x,y)≥ 0for all (x,y) R∞ −∞ where p(x,y) is the joint probability distribution function, and p 1 (x) and p 2 (y) are the independent probability (or marginal probability) density functions of X and Y, respectively. Note that only positive values of Z are reported; as we will see, this is not a problem, since the normal distribution is symmetric. What information about the variables do you have that would allow you to do so? For a given value of Z, the table reports what proportion of the distribution lies below that value. P X ( x) = P ( X = x) = ∑ y j ∈ R Y P ( X = x, Y = y j) law of total probablity = ∑ y j ∈ R Y P X Y ( x, y j). The distribution function ofZ=X+Yis F Z(z)=P{X+Y≤ z}= x+y≤z f XY(x,y)dxdy withf XY(x,y)=f X(x)f Y(y) by independence. Find P (Y < a X).e) Let 0 < a < 1. with PMF/PDF p(X) E[X] = X x xp(x) (for discrete distributions) E[X] = Z x §9 §9.1 Conditional distribution Introduction 9.1.1 Let f (x, y), fX (x) and fY (y) be the joint probability . The joint PMF contains all the information regarding the distributions of X and Y. • fX,Y (x,y)= ∂2FX,Y (x,y) ∂x∂y. 3. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . 5 is you get head and will lose Rs. Its . 0 f(x;y) 2. We want to compute P(X < 30). The total probability is 1. This figure shows the probability distribution for n = 10 and p = 0.2. be a sample space (a set of possible outcomes) with a probability distribution (also called a probability measure) P. A random variable is a map X: !R. a) What must the value of C be so that f X, Y (x, y) is a valid joint p.d.f. f X ( x) = ∑ y f ( x, y). Let X1 and X2 be the numbers on two independent rolls of a fair die; set Y1 min(X1;X2) Y2 max(X1;X2) a) Give the joint distribution of X1 and X2 The thirty-six possibilities are all equally likely, so P[X1 = i;X2 = j] = 1 36 Probability Distributions of Discrete Random Variables. F(x;y) we can also use the fact that the pdf is constant on (0;1) (0;1) to derive the same distribution / density. Find P (X Y < a). Find the density of Z. Suppose X and Y are independent probability distributions with probability density functions f X (x) and f Y (y), and cumulative probability function F X (x) and F Y (y). A joint probability density function must satisfy two properties: 1. 11.The probability distribution for the number of eggs in a clutch is P( ), and the prob-ability that each egg will hatch is p (independently of the size of the clutch). Conditional probability is the probability of one thing being true given that another thing is true, and is the key concept in Bayes' theorem. Independence and Conditional Distributions October 22, 2009 1 Independent Random Variables . To compute the cdf of Z = X + Y, we use the definition of cdf, evaluating each case by double integrating the joint density over the subset of the support set corresponding to {(x,y) : x + y ≤ z}, for different cases depending on the value . We now express this as a double integral: Z. d. Z. b. f(x;y)dxdy = 1. c a. The basic properties of the joint density function are • f X,Y (x,y) ≥ 0 for all x and y. 1 Chap. X,Y,Z. EXAMPLE 2.1.5 Constants as Random Variables As a special case, every constant value c is also a random variable, by saying that c(s)=c for all s ∈S.Thus, 5 is a random variable, as is 3 or −21.6. to p(x) as a probability, but it is not a probability — rather, it is a function that can be used in computing probabilities. 4 Probability Distributions for Continuous Variables Suppose the variable X of interest is the depth of a lake at a randomly chosen point on the surface. Fortwovariablesxandy, thejointPDFp(x,y) defines the probability that (x,y) lies in a given domain D: P((x,y) ∈ D) = Z (x,y)∈D p(x,y)dxdy (4) Indeed, we can write. You will earn Rs. For adding or subtracting independent distributions, we have the convolution rule for distributions. This is a continuous distribution in which the probability density function is uniform (constant) over some finite interval. d) Let a > 1. Figure 3.1: The probability of the formants of a vowel landing in the grey rectangle can be calculated using the joint cumulative distribution function. t. If they are independent, yes, otherwise if you know the joint probability density function then : f Z ( z) = ∫ − ∞ ∞ 1 | t . The joint distribution of (X,Y) can be describedby the joint probability function {pij} such thatpij = P(X = xi,Y = yj). The height of each bar reflects the probability of each value occurring. Conditional Probability Distributions Any two events A and B with P(B) > 0 P(A|B)= P(A\B) P(B) where P(B) > 0. This operation is done for each of the possible values of XX - the marginal probability mass function of XX, fX()f X() is defined as follows: fX(x) = ∑ y f(x, y). Let (X;Y) be uniform on the unit square. Gaussian (Normal) distribution with zero mean and σ = 1 for curve (A) and σ = 2 for curve (B). That is, the probability that (X;Y) is in a small rectangle of width dx and height dy around (x;y) is f(x;y)dxdy. - Demand on a system = sum of demands from subscribers (D = S 1 + S 2 + …. A random variable is always denoted by capital letter like X, Y, M etc. STAT 400 Joint Probability Distributions Fall 2017 1. Joint and Marginal Distributions (cont.) The name comes from imagining the distribution is given by a table Y grass grease grub red 1=30 1=15 2=15 7=30 In words, the joint cumulative probability distribution function is the product of the marginal distribution functions. 2. View Ch.9 Conditional distribution.pdf from STAT 2901 at The University of Hong Kong. Joint distributions Notes: Below X and Y are assumed to be continuous random variables. 3. Thus (see Figure 1.8) NowF Z(z)=0forz<0 andF Z(z)=1 forz>2 (because 0≤ Z≤2). 6.3 Expected value If X and Y are jointly continuously random variables, then the mean of X is still given by E[X] = Z ∞ −∞ xfX(x)dx If we write the marginal fX(x) in terms of the joint density, then this becomes E[X] = The binomial distribution is a discrete distribution, that calculates the probability to get a specific number of successes in an experiment with n trials and p (probability of success). Suppose X and Y are independent random variables, each distributed according to the exponential distribution with parameter . Example: Let X betheoutcomeoftherollofadie. The lowercase letters like x, y, z, m etc. Their marginal cumula-tivedistributionfunctions are F X(x) and F We should have pij ≥ 0 and X We write P(X2A) = P(f!2 . ?b) Find P (X + Y < 1).c) Let 0 < a < 1. Also find the expected value and variance of X+Y. week 9 1 Independence of random variables • Definition Random variables X and Y are independent if their joint distribution function factors into the product of their marginal distribution functions • Theorem Suppose X and Y are jointly continuous random variables.X and Y are independent if and only if given any two densities for X and Y their product is the joint density for the pair (X,Y . Consider the random experiment of tossing a coin 20 times. F(x) is continuous from the right [i.e., for all x]. To find the cumulative probability of a z-score equal to -1.21, cross-reference the row containing -1.2 of the table with the column holding 0.01. The idea behind qnorm is that you give it a probability, and it returns the number whose cumulative distribution matches the probability. A typical example for a discrete random variable \(D\) is the result of a dice roll: in terms of a random experiment this is nothing but randomly selecting a sample of size \(1\) from a set of numbers which are mutually exclusive outcomes. Then show that Z= (X;Y) is a discrete type random vector. MTH135/STA104: Probability Homework # 5 Due: Tuesday, Oct 4, 2005 Prof. Robert Wolpert 1. so. Page 5 Example HMM Rt-1 P(Rt) T 0.7 F 0.3 Rt P(Ut) T 0.9 F 0.2 The Forward Algorithm Time/dynamics update and observation update in one: recursive update Normalization: Can be helpful for numerical reasons f (x;y) = c 1 = Z 1 1 Z 1 1 f (x;y) dx dy = Z 1 0 Z 1 0 c dx dy = Z 1 0 cxj1 0 dy = Z 1 0 c dy = cyj1 0 = c Statistics 104 (Colin Rundel) Lecture 17 March 26, 2012 16 / 32 Section 5.1 Joint Distributions of Continuous RVs Example 2 Note: as . probability density of Z=X+Y given the (discrete) probability . Z f(x,y)dy, f Y (y) = Z . Random Variables, Distributions, and Expected Value Fall2001 ProfessorPaulGlasserman . probability probability-distributions. We can write this in integral form as P{(X,Y) ∈ A} = Z Z A f X,Y (x,y)dydx. You can write the probabilities down immediately using the usual formulas for the geometric distribution, using the parameter ρ. What is P XY in probability? If we "discretize" X by measuring depth to the nearest meter, then possible values are nonnegative integers less (It is!) Here, we call P X ( x) the marginal PMF of X. 5 Important Distributions 3.Let Sbe a sample space and Pbe a probability function de ned for all events. EXAMPLE 2.1.5 Constants as Random Variables As a special case, every constant value c is also a random variable, by saying that c(s)=c for all s ∈S.Thus, 5 is a random variable, as is 3 or −21.6. Z=X+Y b ∫ fzdzz (= Pa < Z . r.v.'s that are not of interest. Chapter 2: Random Variables and Distributions 35 square of the sum of the two numbers showing, let R be the sum of the squares of the two numbers showing, etc. Answer: There are many ways to transform random variables, but I found a method I learned in a statistical physics class (CMU 33-765 if anyone is interested), using the textbook An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics from Robert H. Swendsen, to be the most intuitive and strai. The shaded area within the unit square and below the line z = xy, represents the CDF of z. The sum will be a normal distribution whose mean is the sum of the means of all the component . Joint Probability Density Function • Joint probability density function fX,Y (x,y): P{(X,Y)∈ R} = Z Z R fX,Y (x,y)dxdy • FX,Y (x,y)= Rx −∞ Ry −∞ fX,Y (u,v)dvdu. = E[z X+Y] = E[zXzY] = EzX ExY = . Let X and Y have the joint p.d.f. 2or integral in the continuous case Linguistics 251 lecture 4 notes, page 5 Roger Levy . IE 598 Inference in Graphical Models Solution 1 Problem 1.1 (Exercise 2.5 in Koller/Friedman) Let X, Y, Zbe three disjoint subsets of random variables. Correlation The correlation between r.v.s X and Y is Corr(X,Y) = Cov(X,Y) p Var(X)Var(Y) I correlation just scales the covariance by the product of the standard deviation of each variable I correlation does not depend on the units of measurement I it is always between -1 and 1 I it is zero for uncorrelated random variables I the correlation is a measure of the linear relationship between . rx 1e x, for x2[0;1): Normal distributions. Jointdistributions aredefinedinanaturalway. Continuous VariablesandTheir Probability Distributions(ATTENDANCE 7) 4.6 The Gamma Probability Distribution The continuous gamma random variable Y has density f(y) = (yα−1e−y/β βαΓ(α), 0 ≤ y < ∞, 0, elsewhere, where the gamma function is defined as Γ(α) = Z ∞ 0 yα−1e−y dy Z X Y = L NM O QP (p20) For this random vector, the mean is m m m EZ x y Z pxydxdy X Y The distribution of Z is independent of Y. Case2.If1≤ z≤2,thenF Z(z) is the shaded area in Figure 1.7,which is 1−[(2−z)2/2]. For continuous random variables, we have the notion of the joint (probability) density function f X,Y (x,y)∆x∆y ≈ P{x < X ≤ x+∆x,y < Y ≤ y +∆y}. Distribution Functions for Discrete Random Variables The distribution function for a discrete random variable X can be obtained from its probability function by noting (6.1) One finds this marginal pmf of XX from Table 6.1 by summing the joint probabilities for each row of the table. Calculating the percentile, there is usually no x that will generate a, Prof.! Always denoted by capital letter like x, Y ( x ) the. The usual formulas for the Geometric distribution, using the parameter ρ probability! What information about the variables do you have that would allow you to do so two... Each distributed according to the figure ( lower left and lower right.! Lose Rs is f ( x, Y jointly derive this metric.! The unit square and below the line z = xy, represents the CDF of z have. 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