[1] Idealized stress-strain curve. Intro. As a result of this flow of data, a cell's state can change in response to . 28 R315 3 20 R315 Section 6.1 Bellows Joints Chapter 6 Surface Models Section 6.1 Bellows Joints Techniques/Concepts Create surface bodies using Revolve. The maximum normal stress is called the maximum principal stress and denoted by 1 . [7] Common tangent of the pitch circles. 11 Chapter 12 Transient Structural Simulations Section 12.1 Basics of Structural Dynamics Explicit Dynamics {} {} { } {} M D + C D + K D = F Similar to Transient Structural, Explicit Dynamics also solves the general form of equation. If the stress state is on the surface, yielding occurs. 0.4 0.6 Displacement (mm) 0.8 1.0 [1] The curve is quite different between loading and unloading. The capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of. Printed in full color, it utilizes rich graphics and step-by-step instructions to. Twenty seven real world case studies are used throughout the book. 9 Chapter 14 Nonlinear Materials Section 14.1 Basics of Nonlinear Materials [1] Kinematic hardening assumes that the difference between tensile yield strength and the compressive yield strength remains a constant of 2 y . Each iteration involves solving a linearized equilibrium equation. [2] All leaf springs have a cross section of 1x10 mm. That way, the stress eld is continuous over the body. ( X , XY ) Y Y [1] Stress state. Section 8.2 Triangular Plate 5 Chapter 9 Meshing 9.1 Pneumatic Fingers 9.2 Cover of Pressure Cylinder 9.3 Convergence Study of 3D Solid Elements Chapter 9 Meshing Section 9.1 Pneumatic Fingers 2 Section 9.1 Pneumatic Fingers Problem Description Plane of symmetry. 19 Chapter 14 Nonlinear Materials Section 14.3 Planar Seal Section 14.3 Planar Seal Problem Description 200 [2] Biaxial test. [3] Right-click: open context menu. 5 8 Chapter 13 Nonlinear Simulations Results (Without Friction) [1] It requires 191.51 N to snap in. www.SDCpublications.com ACCESS CODE UNIQUE CODE INSIDE Visit the following websites to learn more about this book: Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Contents Contents Preface 4 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 9 Case Study: Pneumatically Actuated PDMS Fingers 10 Structural Mechanics: A Quick Review 24 Finite Element Methods: A Concise Introduction 35 Failure Criteria of Materials 40 Review 47 Appendix: An Unofficial History of ANSYS 51 Chapter 2 Sketching 56 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 92 W16x50 Beam 57 Triangular Plate 70 More Details 81 M20x2.5 Threaded Bolt Spur Gears 97 Microgripper 103 Review 107 Chapter 3 2D Simulations 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 109 Triangular Plate 110 Threaded Bolt-and-Nut 125 More Details 140 Spur Gears 151 Structural Error, FE Convergence, and Stress Singularity Review 170 Chapter 4 3D Solid Modeling 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Beam Bracket 173 Cover of Pressure Cylinder 179 Lifting Fork 190 More Details 197 LCD Display Support 203 Review 207 172 157 1 2 Contents Contents Chapter 5 3D Simulations 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 209 Beam Bracket 210 Cover of Pressure Cylinder 219 More Details 227 LCD Display Support 231 Review 236 Chapter 6 Surface Models 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Bellows Joints 239 Beam Bracket 249 Gearbox 256 Review 269 Chapter 7 Line Models 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 311 Flexible Gripper 312 Triangular Plate 323 Review 329 Chapter 9 Meshing 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 271 Flexible Gripper 272 3D Truss 283 Two-Story Building 295 Review 309 Chapter 8 Optimization 8.1 8.2 8.3 238 330 Pneumatic Fingers 331 Cover of Pressure Cylinder 346 Convergence Study of 3D Solid Elements Review 365 353 Chapter 10 Buckling and Stress Stiffening 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Stress Stiffening 368 3D Truss 379 Beam Bracket 383 Review 387 Chapter 11 Modal Analysis 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Gearbox 390 Two-Story Building 395 Compact Disk 402 Guitar String 410 Review 417 389 367 2 Contents Chapter 12 Transient Structural Simulations 419 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Basics of Structural Dynamics 420 Lifting Fork 429 Harmonic Response Analysis:Two-Story Building Disk and Block 448 Guitar String 456 Review 466 Chapter 13 Nonlinear Simulations 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Basics of Nonlinear Simulations Translational Joint 481 Microgripper 495 Snap Lock 508 Review 524 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Basics of Nonlinear Materials Belleville Washer 536 Planar Seal 553 Review 568 Basics of Explicit Dynamics High-Speed Impact 577 Drop Test 587 Review 599 Index 601 526 527 Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 468 469 Chapter 14 Nonlinear Materials 571 441 570 3 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Case Study: Pneumatically Actuated PDMS Fingers 1.2 Structural Mechanics: A Quick Review 1.3 Finite Element Methods: A Concise Introduction 1.4 Failure Criteria of Materials Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.1 Case Study: Pneumatically Actuated PDMS Fingers Section 1.1 Case Study: Pneumatically Actuated PDMS Fingers [1] A robot hand has ve Problem Description [2] The nger has a size of 80x5x10.2 (mm3) and has 14 air chambers, each 3.2x2x8 (mm3). Software: ANSYS MECHANICAL Workbench (free license is included). It also uses a direct integration method to calculate the dynamic response. Strain [1] Stress-strain curve for a brittle material. [4] When the stress is released, the strain decreases with a slope equal to the Young's modulus. [6] View the results. The force vector {F} contains forces acting on all degrees of freedom. The nodal displacement components are called the degrees of freedom (DOF's) of the structure. Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench pdf Download 2 Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.1 Case Study: Pneumatically Actuated PDMS Fingers Problem Description [2] The strain-stress curve of the PDMS elastomer used in this case. Finite Element Modeling And Simulation With Ansys Workbench It uses a direct integration method to calculate the dynamic response. A variable hitching system was designed using finite element analysis and developed to provide hitching height variable from 0.4 m to 0.75 m with respect to the ground using tractor. [4] Right-click-drag: box zoom. Section 5.3 More Details 10 Chapter 5 3D Simulations Section 5.4 LCD Display Support Section 5.4 LCD Display Support Problem Description [1] The LCD display support is made of an ABS plastic. The problem of this system is that it is almost impossible to play in another key. R.150 .867 R.150 R.050 .133 [3] Steel plate. {u} = N {d} For elements with nodes at vertices, the interpolation must be linear and thus the shape functions are linear (of X,Y, Z). Introduction to the Finite Element Method b. A problem may assume the plane-strain condition if its Z-direction is restrained from expansion or contraction, all crosssections perpendicular to the Z-direction have the same geometry, and all environment conditions are in the XY plane. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. [2] Click-sweep: continuous selection. Learn how we and our ad partner Google, collect and use data. 18 Chapter 13 Nonlinear Simulations Section 13.4 Snap Lock 19 Section 13.4 20 Snap Lock 10 5 7 7 Problem Description 10 The purpose of this 20 30 simulation is to nd out the force required to push the insert into the 17 7 position and the force required to pull it out. Section I: ANSYS Mechanical APDL Chapter 1: Before you start using ANSYS a. [7] Energy dissipating mechanism of the second oor. It is called a modal analysis. B Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.2 Structural Mechanics: A Quick Review Strains X = BD (dimensionless) AB XY = Y = DB (rad) AB CE (dimensionless) AC YX = C E C EC (rad) AC C C B Y A, A X B D A, A B B 15 Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.2 Structural Mechanics: A Quick Review Governing Equations {u} = { { } = { { } = { X X uX Y Z Y Z uY uZ XY XY } YZ ZX } YZ ZX } 15 quantities Equilibrium Equations (3 Equations) Strain-Displacement Relations (6 Equations) Stress-Strain Relations (6 Equations) 16 Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.2 Structural Mechanics: A Quick Review Stress-Strain Relations: Hooke's Law X Y Z E E E Y Z X Y = E E E Z = Z X Y E E E XY = XY G YZ = YZ G ZX = ZX G X = For isotropic, linearly elastic materials, Young's modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio ( ) are used to fully describe the stressstrain relations. 7 Chapter 2 Sketching Section 2.3 Pull-down Menus and Toolbars Mode Tabs Tree Outline Sketching Toolboxes Graphics area Details View Status Bar Separators Section 2.3 More Details More Details 8 Chapter 2 Sketching Section 2.3 More Details Sketching Planes A sketch must be created on a [1] Currently active plane. [2] Unit system for current project. [5] Scroll-wheel: zoom in/out. [2] Nominal depth 16 in. axisymmetric about the Y-axis, then all response quantities are independent of coordinate. In a modal analysis, since we are usually interested only in the natural frequencies and the shapes of the vibration modes, the damping effect is usually neglected to simplify the calculation, {} { } M D + K D =0 9 Chapter 12 Transient Structural Simulations Section 12.1 Basics of Structural Dynamics Harmonic Response Analysis {} {} { } {} M D + C D + K D = F Harmonic Response analysis solves a special form of the equation, in which the external force on ith degree of freedom is of the form Fi = Ai sin(t + i ) where Ai is the amplitude of the force, i is the phase angle of the force, and is the angular frequency of the external force. Stress (Force/Area) [1] Elastic material. 18 Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.3 Finite Element Methods: A Conceptual Introduction Section 1.3 Finite Element Methods: A Conceptual Introduction Basic Ideas A basic idea of nite element methods is to divide the structural body into small and geometrically simple bodies, called elements, so that equilibrium equations of each element can be written, and all the equilibrium equations are solved simultaneously The elements are assumed to be connected by nodes located on the elements' edges and vertices. External force {F} can be time-dependent forces. 27 Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.4 Failure Criteria of Materials Section 1.4 Failure Criteria of Materials Ductile versus Brittle Materials A Ductile material exhibits a large amount of strain before it fractures. In this section, we want to assess the gripping forces on the glass bead under an actuation force of 40 N exerted by the SMA device. [2] Linear Solution. Limitations of FEA k. ANSYS Workbench Overview l. Default Environment branch name is the analysis system name. we usually use an innitesimally small cube of which each edge is parallel to a coordinate axis. [3] Active sketching plane can be selected using the pull-down list, or by clicking in Tree Outline. [3] Pitch circle rp = 2.5 in. Strain (Dimensionless) [3] The stressstrain relation is assumed linear before Yield point, and the initial slope is the Young's modulus. [3] We will record the vertical tip deection. Providing an introduction to finite element modeling and analysis for those with no prior experience, and written by authors with a combined experience of 30 years teaching the subject, this text presents FEM formulations integrated with relevant hands-on instructions for using ANSYS Workbench 18. [4] Box Zoom. Stress (Force/Area) Hyperelastic material. [PDF] Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with ANSYS Workbench 1.100 .800 [2] Steel plate. We may state a failure criterion for brittle materials as follows: At a certain point of a body, if the maximum principal stress reaches the fracture strength of the material, it will fail. 22 Chapter 3 2D Simulations Section 3.5 Filleted Bar Part E. Stress Singularity The stress in this zero-radius llet is theoretically innite. 3 Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics Section 15.1 Basics of Explicit Dynamics Explicit Integration Methods {} {} { } {} M D + C D + K D = F Explicit Dynamics solves the above equation using the following algorithm: Dn+ 1 = Dn 1 + Dn t 2 2 Dn+1 = Dn + Dn+ 1 t 2 It is called explicit methods because the response at the current time can be calculated explicitly; no iterations within a time step is needed. Harmonic load of magnitude of 0.1 psf due to rotations of a machine. Providing an introduction to finite element modeling and analysis for those with no prior experience, and written by authors with a combined experience of 30 years teaching the subject, this text . P - The cursor is coincident with another point. R.375" 2 Chapter 2 Sketching Techniques/Concepts Section 2.1 W16x50 Beam Start up DesignModeler Sketching/Modeling modes Draw>Rectangle Draw>Polyline Dimensions>General Dimension>Horizontal Dimensions>Display Dimensions>Move Modify>Copy/Paste Modify>Trim Modify>Fillet Constraints>Symmetry Auto Constraints Constraint Status Extrude 3 Chapter 2 Sketching Section 2.1 W16x50 Beam Basic Mouse Operations in Sketching Mode [6] Middle-click-drag: rotate. 3 Chapter 12 Transient Structural Simulations Section 12.1 Basics of Structural Dynamics 4 Single Degree of Freedom Model x F = ma k p kx cx = mx mx + cx + kx = p p c We will use this single-degree-of-freedom lumped mass model to explain some basic behavior of dynamic response. 33 Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1.4 Failure Criteria of Materials Failure Criterion for Brittle Materials The failure of brittle materials is a tensile failure. Each node has 2 translational degrees of freedom: DX and DY. For example, the set of uniaxial compressive test data can be obtained by adding a set of hydrostatic compressive test data to a set of equibiaxial tensile test data. [1] The cross section here is 160x40 mm. R.200 .133 [1] Rubber seal. Printed in full color, it utilizes rich graphics and step-by-step instructions to guide you through learning how to perform finite element simulations using ANSYS Workbench. Each step can have its own analysis settings. Section 15.1 Basics of Explicit Dynamics 9 Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics Section 15.2 High-Speed Impact Section 15.2 High-Speed Impact 10 Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics Solver Output Section 15.2 High-Speed Impact 11 Chapter 15 Explicit Dynamics Section 15.3 Drop Test Section 15.3 Drop Test R20 5 m/s [1] The phone body is made of an aluminum alloy. 3 Chapter 10 Buckling and Stress Stiffening Section 10.1 Stress Stiffening Linear Buckling Analysis Pbuckling 2EI = 2 =1644.5 N L 4 Chapter 10 Buckling and Stress Stiffening Results Section 10.1 Stress Stiffening 5 Chapter 10 Buckling and Stress Stiffening Section 10.2 3D Truss Problem Description Pbuckling = 2 EI 2 (29, 000, 000)(0.13852) = = 2, 226 lb = 0.14P L2 (133.46)2 Section 10.2 3D Truss 6 Chapter 10 Buckling and Stress Stiffening Results Buckling will occur when 23% of design loads apply on the structure. The major cord C consists of the notes do, me, sol, do, the simplest frequency ratios. All rights reserved. 4 Chapter 13 Nonlinear Simulations Section 13.1 Basics of Nonlinear Simulations Steps, Substeps, and Iterations Steps (Load Steps) [1] Number of steps can be specied here. AB AB X = (dimensionless) AB Y = AC AC (dimensionless) AC C C XY = CAB C AB (rad) { } = { X Y Z XY YZ ZX } B A Y A X [1] Strains are dened as the displacements of a point relative to its neighboring points. The fracture strain of a brittle material is relatively small. 60 [2] The concrete oor can be modeled with arbitrary sizes, we will use 160x80x10 (mm). [2] Residual hoop stress. If Behavior is set to Asymmetric, the checking is only one-sided. nodal displacement {D} is nonlinear. Structural simulation: nding the responses of bodies subject to environmental conditions. A stress-strain curve is not sufcient to fully dene a plasticity behavior. 8 Chapter 10 Buckling and Stress Stiffening Results The Load Multiplier can be viewed as a safety factor. Structural nonlinearities come from large deformation, topology changes, nonlinear stress-strain relationship, etc. In the beginning of a DesignModeler session, three planes are automatically created: XYPlane,YZPlane, and ZXPlane. Our partners will collect data and use cookies for ad targeting and measurement. d r te lo in C o Pr ll Fu in Lower-order hexahedra/quadrilaterals can be used, but they are not as efcient as their higher-order counterparts. [2] If Behavior is set to Symmetric, the roles of Contact and Target will be symmetric. When we play C and D together, the beat frequency is 32.03 Hz (293.66 - 261.63), which is a harsh buzz and unpleasant for our ears. 3.5 Filleted Bar Part E. stress Singularity the stress in this zero-radius llet theoretically... Xy ) Y Y [ 1 ] stress state 4 ] When the stress eld is continuous over the.. Force/Area ) [ 1 ] the curve is not sufcient to fully dene a plasticity Behavior Chapter 3 Simulations... 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