If it doesn't make a scratch on the glass, then it's between 5.5-6.5. Mohs Hardness Test. Soft - can be scratched by a fingernail, Mohs' 1-2; Medium - can be scratched by a knife or nail, Mohs' 3-5; Hard - cannot be scratched by a knife but can scratch glass, Mohs' 6-9; (2) Dolomite can scratch window glass, but can not be scratched by a steel nail. Used on most baby's butts, and in paints, ceramics, rubber, insecticides, and paper. Your teacher will probably discuss Moh's scale with you before you do these tests. For measuring the hardness of a mineral, several . Next, see if the iron nail scratches any minerals. Fluorite 9. Talc rates a one on the scale meaning that it is the softest mineral and can be scratched by just about anything. A. If you hit a specimen of galena with a hammer it will shatter into small perfect cubic crystals. (4) Dolomite can scratch a copper penny, but . (2) Dolomite can scratch window glass, but cannot be scratched by a steel nail. Will fluorite scratch a fingernail? What would you do next to determine the hardness of; Question: Questions: 1. This is the preferred method, and this will preserve the quality of the mineral specimens. Definition Which minerals can scratch quartz? Well then it is Graphite. If a fingernail has a hardness of 2.5, and the. Fluorite. Soft - can be scratched by a fingernail, Mohs' 1-2; . vitreous or pearly. Sodium-rich varieties are white or light gray; calcium-rich varieties are medium to dark gray. var. Any mineral or material with a hardness equal to or greater . Examples: If a mineral is scratched by a fingernail, it would be softer than 2.5. If a fingernail has a hardness of 2.5, and the question is asking what mineral can easily be scratched by a fingernail. Quartz is a 7. soft Apatite has tordness 5 or Mohs F A mineral can scratch calcite, and it can be scratched by a Question: var. Fluorite. answer choices . Based on this information, the sample mineral has to be softer than Corundum. Advertisement Answer 1.0 /5 2 Is this mineral hard or soft? A fingernail can scratch only a few minerals. Juan is trying to identify an unknown mineral. A mineral can scratch calcite and can be scratched by a wire nail? MINERAL; Nonmetallic luster, doesn't scratch a glass plate, Soapy feel, pearly luster, scratched by a fingernail, penny, Color: green-grey-white-silver. . It is an alteration product from the metamorphism of minerals such as serpentine, pyroxene and amphibole. Hardness 2. Fluorine in fluorite prevents tooth decay. If it does, it's higher than 6.5. vitreous or pearly. Mineral: Observations of mineral: 1: Talc: Very easily scratched by the fingernail. calcite. If the surface of the mineral is scratched then it is softer than the material used to scratch it, if not then it is harder. . The mineral that you could scratch with your fingernail is Talc, it is Talc due to the fact Talc has a hardness of 1. Good cleavage in 1 direction. 2. Hard - cannot be scratched by a knife but can scratch glass, Mohs' 6-9; Diamond is the hardest known mineral, Mohs' 10. gypsum. What is the density of Sample A? - Dark green colored. It is translucent in color and on the hardness scale it possesses a hardness of just 1.. Using the iron nail, make a scratch in any non-metallic minerals and then drip a little vinegar into . A geologist determines that a sample of a mineral can't be scratched by a steel nail but can be scratched by a masonry drill bit. We can determine the approximate hardness of a mineral by running a group of tests. Term. 6. how do microorganisms that act as . Measure: Select the Hardness test. What mineral on Mohs scale is consistent with this hardness? They can easily be scratched by the fingernail. Q. Greater than 5.5 Observe the minerals in Figure 1.8. A rough measure of mineral hardness can be made by assembling a kit of handy objects (table 6). One must also use enough force to create the scratch (if you don't use enough force even diamond will not be able to scratch quartz - this is an area where practice is important). Tags: Question 16 . Question: If a mineral can be scratched by a penny but not by a human fingernail, what is its hardness on the Mihs scale? (Orthoclase, Microcline) 6. white, tan to orange, red, green, also colorless. The premise behind this Key is similar to that of the identification keys found in some fern and wildflower books: Key diagnostic properties are used to direct users to tables where further information on "likely suspects" is found. Some everyday objects can also be placed in Moh's hardness scale: • fingernail = 2.5 (can scratch talc and gypsum, but not calcite.) Elastic, Sectile. None can be scratched by any below it. Will scratch a fingernail, may scratch a copper coin.) E A mineral can be scratched by a masonry nail or knife blade but not by a wire nail (Fig. If you are able to scratch your specimen with the penny but not with your fingernail, it has a hardness between 2.5 and 3.5. Which mineral can be easily scratched by a fingernail has cleavage a metallic luster and has a black streak? Gypsum 7. This can happen when the grains of the stone pull apart from each other. Calcite 8. which of the following minerals can be scratched with a fingernail? Hardness 2.5. (Can be scratched by a steel pocket knife. To determine a mineral's hardness, try scratching the mineral with an object (fingernail, coin, nail, or piece of glass) or scratching an object with a mineral sample. Gold is a very soft. a gypsum. 5: Apatile 5. Definition. Well you see, it's pretty simple. If it doesn't scratch, next try a copper penny. Olivine For each mineral listed below, list at least one diagnostic property that could be used to help distinguish this mineral from the others described in this exercise. 1. Talc. Then try pressing minerals hard against the mirror or glass to make a scratch. Topaz 4. One of the most important tests for identifying mineral specimens is the Mohs Hardness Test. Answers: 2 on a question: 1. at nearly 90 o. Answer and Explanation: Objects that can scratch feldspar but not quartz would be those rated as a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. Biology, 21.06.2019 17:00, preciousweeks11. If you can't scratch the sample with the nail, see if the mineral can make a scratch on the plate glass. If the specimen does not scratch with a penny, try a knife blade or glass. The Mineral talc. The other minerals listed above have hardened surfaces that resist scratching. The index minerals on the Mohs hardness scale are: Talc (1): about the consistency of chalk and is very easily turned into a powder. Also Know, how do you use Mohs hardness scale? Corundum S. Apatite 10. Minerals (you will be given streak plates and glass plates to use during the quiz).. # Mineral Common Objects 1 Talc Easily scratched by fingernail 2 Gypsum Scratched by fingernail (2.5) 3 Calcite Very easily scratched by nail (5.5-6); will not scratch penny (3) 4 Fluorite Easily scratched by nail 5 Apatite Difficult to scratch with nail; will not scratch glass (5.5 . Now, let's look at some minerals that are harder than this one: quartz (SiO2), calcite (CaCO3), aragonite (ArAG), gypsum (GyPS), and diamond (carbon). The mineral that can easily be scratched by a fingernail is talc.. Back to Environmental Lab Schedule This mineral is about 4.0 on the Mohs scale. The brassy, opaque, metallic mineral in Figure 3.7a (below left) is the same mineral as in Figure 3.8 (below right). What one mineral can you scratch with your fingernail? Best Answer. Talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) is the softest known mineral and can be scratched with a fingernail. Think carefully about your answer and suggest reasons for and against classifying it as a mineral. Mineral Identification What youâll learn Describe physical properties used to identify minerals. When you are hungry you have a big "appetite". - Golden to yellow; tarnishes iridescent blue, red, green. Review for Lab Quiz 1. 30 seconds . - Used in Ore of copper. Typical luster: pearly to waxy. Both of the minerals shown are varieties of the same mineral . Calculate: Select the Density test. If the mineral scratches a penny, it would be harder than a 3. This is because feldspar is a 6 on the scale, and quartz is a 7. This Quiz will begin at the start of lab and will include questions from the first two labs. a. Suppose you have an unknown mineral that can be scratched by glass but not by an iron nail. Talc 6. •Apatite (left) has a hardness of 5 and can be scratched by a steel knife blade. Hardness increases upward on the scaleSince gypsum and talc are found below the hardness of fingernail. Mohs Hardness Scale. It is measured on a scale of 1 to 10 called Mohs scale. If the mineral scratches a penny, it would be harder than a 3. Halite 3 Directions not at 90 . Glass has a hardness of 6-7. It is a property by which minerals may be described relative to a standard scale of 10 minerals known as the Mohs scale of hardness. Upon contact, talc has a distinctive greasy feel and a waxy/pearly luster. A mineral cannot be scratched by a fingernail but can be scratched by a copper coin. Soft - can be scratched by a fingernail, Mohs' 1-2; If a mineral cannot be scratched by a knife blade but can be scratched by quartz then its hardness is between 5 and 7 (stated as 5-7) on Mohs scale. The minerals from Mohs Scale that fall into that relative hardness range are calcite (H=3), fluorite (H=4) and apatite . But if you put diamond in water, it will quickly wear away. cannot be scratched by a fingernail. The only mineral that can scratch glass is diamond. Tags: Question 15 . Then see if any minerals can scratch the copper/penny. This mineral has a 1 on Moh's Hardness scale, and can be scratched by your fingernail. It's possible - though not common - for a stone made of hard minerals to scratch easily. 3.14). scratched by your fingernail. Another mineral you find can scratch orthoclase feldspar, but it cannot scratch quartz. Galena usually occurs in cubic crystals. 3)Dolomite can scratch a copper penny, but cannot be scratched by a fingernail. If the mineral shows a scratch mark from one of the testing materials the mineral is said to be less hard than the mineral that scratched it. Can usually be scratched easily with a fingernail? Quartz is a 7. The degree of hardness is determined by observing the comparative ease or difficulty with which one mineral is scratched by another or by a steel tool. Réponses: 2 questionner: Field Hardness Kit Fingernail 2.5 Copper 3 Steel nail 5.5 Glass 6 Mohs Hardness Scale 1. If a mineral scratches a fingernail (hardness 2.5) but not a penny (3.5), its hardness is about 3. A mineral can scratch calcite, and it can be scratched by a wire (iron) nail. For example, your fingernail can scratch the minerals talc and gypsum, with a hardness of 2 or lower. Talc is a foliated mineral and associated with metamorphic rocks. If a mineral can be scratched by a penny but not by a human fingernail, what is its hardness on the Mohs scale? It has a metallic luster and a black to dark gray color and streak. Mineral identification: Characteristics of this mineral: hardness of 2 (can be scratched with a fingernail), cream-colored to partially transparent, does not effervesce. A copper penny can scratch calcite, gypsum, and talc. Terms in this set (25) A mineral can be scratched by a masonry nail or knife blade but not by a wire nail? Have students use their fingernails to see if they can make a scratch mark on any of the rock samples. Chert: Chert is a rock composed of very small microscopic quartz crystals. Talc can be scratched by everything, and nothing but diamond will make a mark on diamond. In the 19th. 11. Can Easily Scratch with Fingernail. Which is it? Fluorite is one. Given a mineral sample*, be able to answer the following questions: * Is this mineral metallic or non-metallic? the mineral dolomite? You know that the mineral is quartz, fluorite or calcite. This mineral also has a greasy feel.The color it possesses is usually white, gray or colorless. For example, topaz can scratch quartz, but it can't scratch corundum. Answer: Terminology. Mineral identification: Characteristics of this mineral: sheet-silicate mineral with one dominant direction of cleavage (breaks into flakes and sheets), thin sheets are silvery . It is used for the making of powders, lubricants also, paint, paper, roofing sheets and also used for the polishing of food such as rice. Labradorite variety shows blue play of colors. Halite is also much softer than glass and can be easily scratched using a nail or metal surface. 1 Description Hardness A mineral that can be scratched by your fingernail (hardness = 2.5). Fluorite (4): can be scratched with a nail, but with difficulty. Specific gravity? The Mineral Identification Key Table IIC-1: Streak not colored, Cleavage prominent, Hardness 2½ to 3: (Can not be scratched by a fingernail, can be scratched by a copper penny, streak white or one.) MINERAL IDENTIFICATION •Luster- the way a mineral reflects light This test compares the resistance of a mineral to being scratched by ten reference minerals known as the Mohs Hardness Scale (see table at left). Talc can scratch Talc , although Talc's hardness varies it is considered a soft mineral, that can even be scratched with a finger nail. Score 1 User: Which of the following lists igneous rock in order from least to most ferromagnesian silicates? century, a German mineralogist- Friedrich Mohs, devised a scale of hardness for minerals. Hardness is a measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched. Quartz is among the harder minerals, with a Mohs hardness of 7, and quartzite is harder than glass, a steel knife blade, or a steel nail. Colorless to white. Each mineral can be scratched by itself or any above it. 2: Gypsum: Can be scratched by fingernail: 3: Calcite: Very easily scratched with a knife and/or a copper coin. White and opaque, very soft and easily scratched with your fingernail. feldspar. Therefore, you are able to conclude that the specimen has a relative hardness between 3.0 and 5.5. Proceeding with the glass plate, the mineral is unable to scratch the glass (hardness = 5.5) at all. This is where most Marbles, limestones, travertines, rate. Talc is not commonly seen in collections, as it is usually uninteresting and fairly common, although a few deeply colored and crystallized examples are known and well sought after. A. The Mohs Hardness Scale ranks the order of hardness of minerals and some common objects. (1) Dolomite can scratch window glass, but cannot be scratched by a fingernail. It can be scratched by topaz, corundum, and diamond. Microorganisms aren't all decomposers; in fact, many act as producers or primary consumers in an ecosystem. 2.5 to 5.5 A mineral that scratches glass (hardness = 5.5). The mineral MUST be Mohs Hardness Scale Mineral Name Scale Number Common Object Diamond 10 • Corundum 9 Masonry Drill BiH Topaz (8,5) Quartz Steel Nail (6.5) Orthoclase Knife/Glass Apatite Plate (5.5) Fluorite Copper Penny (3.5) Calcite Fingernail (25) Gypsum Talc 8 7 . For example quartz will make a scratch on the plate, and its hardness has been recorded at 7. Also if a penny can scratch a mineral it rates a 3, a fingernail is 2.5, knife blade 5.5, glass 5.5 and steel file 6.5. (3) Dolomite can scratch a copper penny, but . Test your mineral specimen by trying to scratch it with your fingernail. Each higher-numbered (harder) mineral will scratch any mineral with a lower number (softer). Softer than glass and softer than a fingernail Generally clear to white; One perfect cleavage, may show up to 3 cleavages; Easily scratched with a fingernail . What term is used to describe the tenacity of muscovite? - Will be scratched by nail (H4) - Is metallic. Introduction This Mineral Key is designed and intended for use on-line. Variety SOAPSTONE can be carved into ornamental shapes and items. -talc-diamond-topaz-quartz Answers: 3 Get Other questions on the subject: Biology. (4) Dolomite can scratch a copper penny, but cannot be scratched by a fingernail . Earth Sciences questions and answers Sample 1 (not in Rock and Mineral kit) This mineral can be scratched by a fingernail. Weegy: If a mineral isn't scratched by a fingernail, you can conclude that: The hardness is more than 2.5. Can gypsum scratch topaz? 7. The test is useful because most specimens of a given mineral are very close to the same hardness. The numbers on the scale classify minerals only by their hardness. If the specimen does not scratch with a penny, try a knife blade or glass. minerals, whereby the softest mineral (talc) is placed at 1 and the hardest mineral (diamond) is placed at 10, with all other minerals ordered in between, according to their hardness. Talc is known for being the softest mineral on earth. Flexible but not elastic; foliated; slick or soapy feeling. (3) Dolomite can scratch window glass, but can not be scratched by a fingernail. minerals and natural substances have a value somewhere between 1 and 10. ∙ 2012-04-12 04:45:34. This problem has been solved! Example: You select one of the minerals from Mohs Scale that looks like the one pictured here and find that it can be scratched by the knife (H=5.5) but not by the penny (H=3). Can gold scratch other rocks and minerals? Talc 3. •Fluorite has a hardness of 4 and it can be scratched by an iron or brass nail. apatite. If a mineral can be scratched by a penny but not by a human fingernail, what is its hardness on the Mihs scale? A fingernail can scratch only a few minerals. Quartz 3. 2-10. MINERAL; AKA GYPSUM; Fibrous habit, doesn't scratch the glass plate, can be scratched by a penny and a fingernail, translucent, silky luster, Selenite. fluorite. Crystals common, found in columns and easy to scratch with fingernail Gypsum 3 Directions at 90 Tastes like Salt Vitreous luster. 1. -A var. Additionally, what mineral can scratch corundum? The moh's scale is used to measure the hardness of a substance. SURVEY . This mineral IS NOT POWDERY. 4) Dolomite can scratch a copper penny, but cannot be scratched by a steel nail. Streak is WHITE. Feldspar 2. Is table salt a mineral? User: If a mineral isn't scratched by a fingernail, what can you conclude about the mineral's hardness? For example, your fingernail can scratch the minerals talc and gypsum, with a hardness of 2 or lower. Pyroxene. Tastes like salt. "Objects of equal hardness can be scratched with difficulty." How to perform the scratch test: You should find a sharp corner of a mineral and scratch the smooth surface of the test object (fingernail, penny, glass plate, knife, steel file, etc.) Definition. Less than 2.5 A mineral that cannot be scratched by your fingernail (hardness = 2.5), and cannot scratch glass (hardness = 5.5). • glass = 5.25 (can . Easily scratched with fingernail. It cannot be easily scratched by a nail and quartz will easily scratch a glass plate. It can be distinguished from calcite because it is much harder than calcite. A mineral that can scratch an iron nail but not glass could be. What mineral on Mohs Scale has such a hardness? Have them log . Wiki User. gypsum. Terminology. It is number 1 on the Mohs hardness scale, and can be easily scratched by a fingernail. (Can be scratched by a steel pocket knife. Corundum can scratch topaz . Scratch the mineral in question with a fingernail, penny, iron nail, or glass slide. quartz. Copy. cannot be scratched by a steel nail. A copper penny can scratch calcite, gypsum, and talc. Potassium feldspar. The Mohs Hardness Scale ranks the order of hardness of minerals and some common objects. Fluorite 9. flourite. Gypsum (2): can be scratched with a fingernail, but not a penny. Can Topaz be scratched by a fingernail? 2.6 g/mL 3. Perfect cubic cleavage. 2) Dolomite can scratch window glass, but can not be scratched by a steel nail. Chert cannot be easily scratched by a nail and will easily scratch a glass plate. The most commonly known mineral that can be scratched by a fingernail is talc. Explanation: On the moh's scale of hardness, minerals that are above another can be scratched by the one below. answer choices . Will scratch a fingernail and a copper coin.) colorless or white. White, green, pink. 4: Fluorite: Can be scratched by a knife. Use the mineral identification key (see Figure 1.24) to identify a mineral that is nonmetallic, dark colored, harder than glass, lacking cleavage, and green in color. Galena has a hardness of about 2.5 on the Mohs hardness scale which is about as hard as your fingernail. What mineral on the Mohs scale might it be?_____ Mineral Name Hardness Talc 1 Gypsum 2 Calcite 3 Fluorite 4 Apatite 5 Feldspar 6 7 Topaz 8 Corundum 9 10 Common Object Hardness Fingernail 2.5 Record your observations. Mineral sample has 27 grams and takes up 10.4 cm3. Sometimes might have 3 Cleavages Vitreous to pearly luster. 2.7. A fingernail has a hardness ranging from 2 to 2.5, a penny is a little harder than 3, window glass ranges from 5.5 to approximately 6 in hardness, and a . Use the mineral identification key (see Figure 1) to identify a mineral that is nonmetallic, dark colored, harder than glass, lacks cleavage, and is . •Diamond with its hardness of 10 can easily scratch the rest of the minerals. apatite. How soft does a mineral have to be for you to scratch it with your fingernail? Quartz will scratch minerals that have a lower number on the scale. What is this minerals hardness and how can you tell? Diamond Mineral A is scratched by mineral B - mineral B is harder A mineral can scratch itself Diamonds can only be scratched by other Diamonds Mineral C scratches mineral D - mineral C . The hardness of various rocks and minerals can be used as an another method of identification. The Mohs hardness scale was name after Friedrich Moh, a German mineralogist of the seventeenth century. (1) Dolomite can scratch a copper penny, but cannot be scratched by a steel nail. By everything, and it can be scratched by a wire nail ( Fig of minerals and then a. White, gray or colorless white or light minerals that can be scratched by a fingernail ; calcium-rich varieties are white or light gray ; calcium-rich are. Following minerals can be scratched by a fingernail of tests is asking what mineral on.... & # x27 ; s higher than 6.5. Vitreous or pearly a black streak,. Running a group of tests mineralogist- Friedrich Mohs, devised a scale of of... 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