And for maximum security, you arguably need to fit into that very small spot between when CPUs got fast enough to have enough spare cycles to spend on nice UI, and the point where they got to be microcode-based and you have to trust binary blobs. Close Regedit and restart Windows. They want to improve security which requires increasing system requirements, so they created a new OS major version to make it clear to customers there was a divider (Windows 11 was previously intended to be just another Windows 10 yearly feature update). The tutorial is for having the task in the, How to Run an App as Administrator in Windows 10. One of the really interesting things about using Wine/Proton is that you can play DX12 games which you can't* do on Windows 7 or 8 only because Microsoft put in checks to prevent it. The background will now look like standard Windows 10. If the Run this program as an administrator setting is grayed out, then you will need to do step 4 below instead. Right click on the desktop and select Personalize. As a matter of fact, I will make it my primary server and repurpose existing one as a secondary, but I digress. My laptop definitely hasn't changed its CPU to a "supported" version. Get the Windows 10 wallpaper and copy it to your Windows 11 PC. 2. Boot Into Safe Mode. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); About us | 8. The Discord uninstall not working issue will be gone. USB drive or DVD and your device is unsupported for Windows 11 installation, the Windows setup wizard will show This PC cant run Windows 11. Like any other program, Discord might run into several problems. Just select Discord from the app listing and click the Uninstall button. There are a couple of ways to get the old, ribboned Windows 10 File Explorer back. Restart the computer. Along with providing an easy way to remove apps by browsing around a listing of everything installed on your PC, CCleaner can also ensure the app is gone for good. The Windows 10 look and feel would not be complete without using the same recycle bin icon. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps: Fix: Discord installation failed in Windows 10, Fix: Discord wont open in Windows 10/11 [EASY GUIDE], Discord Causes High CPU Usage: 4 Ways to Fix it in 2022. According to game theory, it's also in best interest for users to experiment with Proton on GNU/Linux in case Microsoft calls users' bluff and allows the 10pocalypse to proceed as planned once Mickey Mouse's first speaking role (The Karnival Kid) enters the public domain. Now go to following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup. I still read the news on Windows woes and coming advancements, as I know people that use it. The application developer marked the application to require an administrator access token. We are not responsible for them in any way. This will help open the Windows registry window. Windows Update under Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 automatically installed and executed an application called "Get Windows 10" (GWX), and some versions of GWX were defective enough to consider the close (X) button to constitute consent to upgrade. Because Microsoft has sat on our chest for almost 40 yearsThey have a VERY long history of retarding progress in general computing to serve their own ends. Privacy Policy. Get instant access to breaking news, in-depth reviews and helpful tips. A shim is a small amount of extra code provided by Microsoft that supports certain non-Microsoft applications. Step 1: After you receive the This PC cant run Windows 11 on VirtualBox, you need to restart the VirtualBox. Make sure to replace the username with your actual username: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Discord. You must use system32 both for x86 and x64 systems. Look after yours and you'll get a few more years yet. The best way to ungroup taskbar icons is to install StartAllBack and select "Never" from the Combine Taskbar buttons menu on the Taskbar tab. nb Mine is a Lenova laptop with NVidia. You can try removing the software and all associated files and registry entries. 1. Reply. How about upgrading your existing installation? Microsoft analyzed the application and provided an application compatibility shim. If you've already turned on the Windows 10 classic taskbar by navigating to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell\Update\Packages and setting UndockingDisabled to 1, the classic File Explorer and context menu are already enabled. Especially if it visits a website you're running, or a website whose operator allows you access to user data? Corporate users will still get regular Windows, but at a nice 'healthy' markup. If I leave my Windows 11 PC on all day, then turn on my XBOX, VLC will not see the shares. Instead they will have to face the fact they done goofed up. Create Windows 11 VM with Virtual Trusted Your professional advise and well structured instruction had been key to get me out of trouble. Section 2. It was my first Linux, but I'm not going back. Just last night I updated an 11 year old laptop for a relative that had been sitting unused in their closet, still with the Win 7 OS it came with. Then follow the instructions to create a bootable disk based on Windows PE. This is no different from any other major OS release MS has done. Thank a lot, i had many problem, and i fixed with your tutorial. "Windows 10 Upgrade Reportedly Starting Automatically On Windows 7 PCs" (2016-03-12), "Microsoft Auto-Scheduling Windows 10 Updates" (2016-05-15), "Windows 10 Upgrade Activates By Clicking Red X Close Button In Prompt Message" (2016-05-24), "Woman Wins $10,000 Lawsuit Against Microsoft Over Windows 10 Upgrades" (2016-06-27). I havent tried upgrading to Windows 10 again, but if any of you dudes are game enough to give it a shot then Id love to know how ya go. They had a number, they divided by another number and gave the result to two superfluous decimal places. Wishes from Greece!! I've read about nor found no major changes, so far at least, in terms of new technologies, file system advances or other improvements under the hood that would lead me to believe that in that regard there is any difference between 10 and 11, aside from the way it looks and handles navigation. Create a DWORD (32-bit) Value called UndockingDisabled and set its value to 1. Luckily there are loads of Linux distributions available which would love another user. do i have to edit C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe, to C:\Windows\system64\userinit.exe,? Network Computers are not Showing "More Than 4 In 10 PCs Still Can't Upgrade To Windows 11 " - are you expecting them to suddenly evolve to meet the spurious requirements? And if it isn't, why would you benefit from something like it anyway? Why would anyone want to upgrade?If they are using windows 10, there's officially 3 years of support left - but we know microsoft will likely have to extend that. However, if you want to use Open-Shell and get the accurate Windows 10 Start button icon, you will need to restore the Windows 10 classic task bar and set Open-Shell not to Replace the Start button. Start Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon; Double-click Userinit value and change the value data from: wscript C:\WINDOWS\run.vbs, to the following: [Caution: Take special care when entering. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.Click hereto download and start repairing. Not only that, but its performant PC scanner will analyze your system and let you know what apps take up space for no reason or whether you have any unnecessary files. btw, lovely how you bash people because of poor criticism and then put up a show of poor criticism of your own, kinda going full circle ;-). To get started, youll open the Registry Editor application. to install Windows 11 without TPM An administrator configured the application compatibility settings on the application's, An interactive user right-clicked the application and then clicked. The good news is that, with a combination of registry tweaks, third-party apps and some different art work, you can get a lot of the look and feel of Windows 10 back in Windows 11. We Cant Tell if Your PC Has Enough Space in Windows 11 . OMG. No need to do that either. the Windows Startup Folder for Windows 11 is just full-blown spyware with an even shittier interface. Also, include the trailing comma (,) as shown above. One Windows 10 feature you might miss is the ability to maintain separate taskbar icons for each of your windows. 1. A week later the mobo died, probably couldn't handle the extra voltage and something popped. If you're willing to live with the downsides, here are the steps for getting the Windows 10 taskbar in Windows 11. You are truely a genius! Or you can pay $3000 for a $2000 system without that. will the windows server line be the same? It is really awesome. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK. Um no. When I typed this, I still get a black screen. In the Command Prompt window, type regedit and press Enter. please help me anyone? Anyway I want to thank you very much since you not only helped me to make the PC bootable againI also learned something valuable which can help me the next time should I run into this. 2. The latest one I have, a 2019, says it won't install either, but there's supposedly some hardware I can buy to allow it. Following the steps presented in this guide, you will succeed in uninstalling the Discord app for good. They can't imagine a use cas. In some ways, a lot of it was. in Windows 11 I just wish the whole issue would go away. From Task Manager, go to the Startup tab. For standard day to day stuff like email/web browsing/office stuff Linux already has really good software. Nothing more, nothing less. Thank you so much. Like a sword of Damocles dangling over the Windows eco system. I have a ton of shit running with their own DosBOX profiles, Lutris made other games fairly easy to run like Freespace2 and some other. Windows This is reckless disregard for the environment on the part of Microsoft. Fix: We Cant Tell if Your PC Has Enough Space in Windows 11 . Thank youuu???? I dont think anti virus scan will remove it.It uses minifilter driver (MPCKpt.sys) to attach itself to hdd partition to prevent deletion of MPC Cleaner. There are copious examples in the wild. Cortana Uses Too Much Memory: How to Fix It in 5 Steps . WebInstalling Windows 11 on this PC is not recommended and may result in compatibility issues." which used to be assembled in Sacramento. I already have VBS programming experience. Yes, I see its still advisable to run a thorough scan. but this is not so easy to remove especially rouge software called MPC Cleaner which is installed by this infection. Click Start Scan to find Windows 11 issues that could be causing PC problems. This fixes the run.vbs login error message. On that day Windows will become irrelevant for most home users as we don't care what O/S we're running. Or should each user be responsible for operating a private Secure Boot CA, adding its public key to a machine's UEFI setup, and signing each update to the bootloader or kernel with its private key? You can copy the path and paste it into the Regedit address bar. We used to do that, then the problems associated with ramping up a $20M project every 5 years finally started working its way into the bean counters brains. Weird, I saw this prompt, then I launched explorer.exe, then my desktop just loaded. Thank you very very much! Im very happy thanks man you are awesome. I think that's more than reasonable. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'winhelponline_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-winhelponline_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Note: If Task Manager doesnt open due to DisableTaskMgr Policy enabled by the Malware, carry out the following procedure via Recovery Environment. You've been worn down by industry propaganda. To Not Always Run Shortcut as administrator when Opened, 3. You can find the installed application by going to the following location inside your File Explorer. Step 1. things he said was fine . Thank you very very much! I am denied and blocked every time. Important #1: This post just explains how to fix the Userinit value and thereby helps you get access to your user profile. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH. Incidentally, I purchased a MBAM Premium license yday. Known Windows Folders which are available by default in the navigation pane are no longer displayed under This I spent 4 hrs on my wifes PC yesterday trying it to boot cleanly again after a malware infection and cleanup with malwarebytes and other virus checkers. When you cannot uninstall Discord, your app might remain on the computer at an unknown file location. Note that you'll need to pull down "All Files" selector in the dialog box or you may not see the file listed. 2. The downloading of 11 and the incessant nag screens started to annoy me to the point where I said "Meh, how bad could it be?" Cortana Uses Too Much Memory: How to Fix It in 5 Steps . Dude, this work perfectly. Windows 10 is an operating System that has been optimized for both PC and Tablet devices, so the Rotation Lock button is crucial for when switching between the two modes. Also, remember: these days, a lot of Microsoft users are simply employees using computers supplied by their employers, and most companies don't give a shit about Microsoft's shenanigans : they need word processors and spreadsheets and they just buy the computers they need. However, as we explain in our article on how to get full context menus in Windows 11, there's a simple registry tweak that will bring the whole menu back. But what if I want it to look like Windows 95? If you cannot uninstall Discord from Windows 10, right-click on the taskbar and choose Task Manager. You will receive a verification email shortly. Right click the taskbar and highlight Show Cortana button to make it disappear. Though these can prove faster for seeking and reading than a spinning-platter HDD, bulk writing can be slower on an inexpensive MMC/SD, especially once it starts to fill up. Most of the time, users will remove Discord, but the application will still be on the computer in an unidentified file location. Point it at and keep reading! Secure Boot and RAM requirements for Windows 11 He holds Masters degree in Computer Applications (MCA). 4 In the right pane of Layers, right click or press and hold on an empty area, then click/tap on New, and click/tap on String Value. Open the Registry by either searching in the Windows search or using a run command by pressing Windows+R keys and typing regedit in the Run dialog. WIthin LabConfig, create the following four DWORDs values, then set each value to 1: Close regedit, then start the Windows 11 installation. Outlook the malware that caused this was nimeckreelule, is the same NMCLOGSERVICE.EXE, which installed bunch of crap like badu, tencent QQ, yesplayer, yesbdn, uc browser, etc. sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation. Because Microsoft decided to require certain buzzword CPU features that Intel only added in the most recent generations, which probably don't (on their own) provide a compelling reason to upgrade to most users. I downloaded some type a maliware/virus today and your step by step video worked! Open Registry Editor by typing regedit in RUN dialog box and press Enter. Windows 11 occupies 5GB of memory on idle while Windows 10 only uses 3GB. Windows 11 Look and Feel Like Windows 10 You create new values by right-clicking in the right pane of Regedit and selecting New->DWORD (32-bit) Value, then renaming the entry to the appropriate name and double-clicking on it to get the value dialog box. :), The elevated shortcut is not working since it's not pointing to the correct path. My daily driver laptop is not capable of running Windows 11 and I will upgrade it for security reasons in 2025 or when it dies. To fix it quickly, make sure you verify some efficient solutions. Section 3. One of the most common ones is related to Discords process. What if the file isnt there at all? This is in the same category as "Windows 10 has a built in keylogger". Create a Bootable Media. I tried to close it, shutdown my Pc, But nothing helped the desktop is freezed. But from the cmd i opened regedit and done as you have said but the value is right there, nothing about vbs.On entering safe mode after it, the Windows start the Blue Screen Loop and restarting again and again.Please help, what should i do. There are many pages out there on this problem, too. There's no 32-bit build of Windows 11 available, so only computers with 64-bit processors will be able to run Windows 11. ty! to the following: [Caution: Take special care when entering. See e.g. Instead, expect eMMC or microSD soldered to the mainboard. Thank you very much! 24 hrs headache had gone in no time. For Christ's sake, kids these days are using things like javascript and python to do systems programming. Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. Solucionaste mi problema. Thus, older PCs are much better security wise and they refuse to install compromised software like Windows 11. Ive been stucked for Months with this black screen. !! Thankyou very much your tutorial work , Success Brother. The funny thing is that the infection was not even the problem (this could be solved relatively easily), the problem was the remaining wscript part instead of the userinit in the registry. It just now contains some text saying "Hey, you can go into settings and turn the display of the various items here back on!" thank you so very much it was easy but so hard to find the proper answer. If you can't audit something's source code, you can't trust it. Win10 will get sec updates until Oct 2025 (even longer if you are a deep pocketed corporate). Thank you very much. My brothers . There's no re, More Than 4 In 10 PCs Still Can't Upgrade To Windows 11. I cleaned all the virus crap from 8.1 but then was left with a Microsoft Upgrade now dialogue box but no way to close it. You can get there by hitting Windows key + R and typing regedit into the run box. Thanks alot.Saved me! Windows If you still have access to a PC with Windows 10 installed, or perhaps you still have the Windows.old folder on your Windows 11 PC, you can find the Windows 10-branded wallpaper in C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows as img0.jpg. Run as Administrator in Windows 10 If youre in the same boat, todays solutions will help you to bypass this problem. Please let us know how it went if you try the elevated shortcut. This discussion has been archived. Everytime I turn it on, it asks me for a password then I put it in. Copyright Windows Report 2022. My gaming PC is definitely on the older side, an i5 6600k with 32GB of RAM and a 1060 6GB, but throw in a 30-series video card and it'd still run basically anything thrown at it more than fine. 5. genio!! Whats amazing is that NO ONE on Microsoft tech forums or malwarebytes forum or anywhere else had a reply for fixing this. Thanks WillianTurley, but I can't run anything as an administrator. 8. Windows 11 reboot. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. Download Windows 11 ISO. BLOODY MASTERMIND YOU ARE!!!!!! No problem, Linux doesn't do any of this shit. This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). "Microsoft Auto-Scheduling Windows 10 Updates" (2016-05-15) []3. The installation process is straightforward and takes only a few minutes. Toggle Clock, Volume and Network to On then Click Ok. You'll have those icons back on the right side of the taskbar, but next, you should hide the icons you can't use, particularly the Task View button that crashes when you click it. and that's the thing i dislike most about w11, that it is forcing a product on the user base than nobody asked for nor wanted, and it is a product that es. If they're not quoting which "average" (mean, median, or mode) they're using, and a confidence interval, the data has probably been through the hands of someone statistically illiterate, or dishonest - which in itself is enough to suspect anything beyond the first significant digit. Uncheck Replace Start button in Open Shell to get the Windows 10 Start button, how to get full context menus in Windows 11, get Windows 10's File Explorer in Windows 11, Best Black Friday Deals on PC Hardware: GPU, CPU and PC Sales, Apple's Chip Purchase from Arizona Might Be Marketing Trick: Report, Best 4K Gaming Monitors for PC 2022: 144Hz, Curved and More, Best Black Friday Monitor Deals: 4K, Gaming, More. Copyright 2022 SlashdotMedia. Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows 10. Create a DWORD (32-bit) Value called NoTaskGrouping, if it doesn't already exist, and set it to 1. Comments owned by the poster. For example, StartAllBack, allows you to ungroup taskbar icons and Start11 lets you move the taskbar to the top of the screen while both let you resize the icons. CPUs too old to make the cut can still be nearly as fast, and sometimes even faster, than those that do. !THANK YOU.!!!! How to Sort by Date Modified (Descending) With Folders On Top? Can't remember) Core chips came with a firmware TPM, and this motherboard may or may not have a TPM header for a semi-proprietary almost-impossible-to-get TPM chip, but it's questionable whether it'd be able to run Windows 11 even with that. It's not for them. Disable Discord auto-run. There is zero incentive for one to throw away their Skylake / Kaby Lake era PCs as they are more than capable for office work and web browsing. If the Layers key is not there, then right click or press and hold on the AppCompatFlags key, click/tap on New, click/tap on Key, type Layers, and press Enter. Step 2: Then, press the Shift + F10 keys together to open the command line window on the first page of windows 11 installation. hardly, unless you count illusion of security as a "use". (h/t to user Dacrone on the Windows Eleven Forum for sharing this). by Milan Stanojevic. Trademarks property of their respective owners. Heres why you can trust us. However, if you choose not to use the classic taskbar, you can still get them back by following these steps (h/t to Winaero for discovering this). If you also want new OS features, you need to upgrade. In Windows 10, dark mode just simply turns windows black, but in 11, they're dark grey instead, which is less jarring, at least to my eyes. Not even Microsoft denies that Telemetry is capable of capturing your keystrokes. I hope you can help me figure out what that value is. Repair. Copy the file to your Windows 11 PC and make sure you put it somewhere you plan to keep it permanently. But don't underestimate the ability for people to not give a shit about upgrading something that works. To do that, just right click on the taskbar, select Taskbar Settings and then navigate to Taskbar Behaviors and choose Left from the alignment menu. 5. and it will be Windows S Forever come next release. Do not hesitate to check some valuable solutions if you notice a JavaScript error in the primary process. If you get operating systems "installed by mistake", you might have bigger problems. Windows 11's Start Menu is a crime against productivity. !Can you recomend any good malware cleaning programs? Only once a user or admin is 15-20 years beyond Tinylimp do they begin to not give a fuck about what or why people use this or that. I've been thinking about building a shallow half-cab and hanging a display on the wall on a rotating mount. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Open the bootable USB drive and click the setup.exe file. Why on earth would the system not do this for you except entering the key into the BIOS, which I presume it cannot do. Follow along! Starting with Windows 11 build 25136 and build 22621.160 for some, Microsoft is introducing a refreshed layout of the left navigation pane in File Explorer which makes it easy for you to navigate to folders that matter to you. If you have StartAllBack, you can also enable classic context menus from the Explorer tab. WebAnswer (1 of 6): Enable New Boot Animation in Windows 11 1. 1. With the above solutions, you can work around this situation and remove Discord from your computer altogether. Thanks a lot! Or should each user be responsible for operating a private Secure Boot CA, adding its public key to a machine's UEFI setup, and signing each update to the bootloader or kernel with its private key? However, in Windows 10 and -- if you use one of the hacks below -- you can change this behavior. If you were going to draw a line in the sand, it should have been before Windows 10. Kaypro II Zilog Z80 2.5 Mhz. I'm still using my i5-2500k and see no reason to upgrade. If you cannot uninstall Discord from Windows 10, right-click on the taskbar and choose Task Manager. 1. Open Regedit. For the ODM, part of the appeal is that no special driver is required, so they don't have to spend any money dealing with a driver at all (since the included one will do.). Create a new registry key called Blocked if it doesn't already exist. Run For better or worse, you've upgraded to Windows 11 or performed a Windows 11 clean install, but that doesn't mean you have to live with all aspects of the new user interface. If I happen to be booted into Windows and want to eBay or something, if I don't want to. So, even though it is a minor change, getting the default Windows 10-branded wallpaper on your Windows 11 desktop will really make it look and feel like the older OS. You can also use the official ISO image by mounting it and running the setup.exe app from the ISO file. The general business / company upgrades hardware on a fixed cadence irrespective of what Microsoft does. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup. Disclaimer & Terms of Use | Oh you really saved my computer, i thought it way dead!!! When he's not playing with the latest gadgets at work or putting on VR helmets at trade shows, you'll find him rooting his phone, taking apart his PC or coding plugins. According to game theory, it is best interest for corporations and users to refuse to buy new computers till the last minute. But it can be easy deleted using WinRE or Linux Livecd. But since you can't, because even as the user you are not allowed to see what's in it, you really cannot afford to use it at all if privacy is important to you. You'll now have the classic Windows 10 Start menu and, if you installed your third-party Start menu, a working Start menu that is more compact than Windows 11's and has a built-in search function. Sorry for the long rant..I was just angry to read all the experts yesterday which served only that I wasted many pointless hours yesterday at night UNTIL I came across your post!! For example, when I tried right clicking on a .txt file, Windows 11 did not give me an option to open it in Notepad++, a popular text editor I had installed. Thank you!! Its strange how NOD32 or MBAM missed the run.vbs infection in the first place. Fix Can not find script file C:\WINDOWS 7. How to Add 'Run as administrator' to VBS File Context Menu in Windows 10. The TPM hasn't been employed in any DRM scheme to date, as far as I know. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply. This allows, for example, firmware progressing through boot to describe how state has been changing through extending values in registers, and when the OS starts, if the firmware progression was the same as a trusted progression, then the OS gets access to the keys to decrypt the drive. but i cant open tast manager, if i press ctr+shift+esc, nothing opened, I try this but i am unable to open tast manager, if i press ctr+shift+esc, nothing open. Windows files also want new OS features, you can also enable context... Something, if I do n't underestimate the ability for people to not give a shit about upgrading that! Is freezed Microsoft analyzed the application will still get a few more years yet for this pc can't run windows 11 regedit this... You recomend any good malware cleaning programs I turn it on, it should have been before Windows.. I do n't want to any of this shit not see the shares systems `` installed by this.! 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